
Welcome to our Spirit-filled blog, your go-to-destination for a Kingdom perspective on Texas real estate, responsible homeownership, and our beautiful Harvest community inside of Argyle, TX. Unlock a treasure trove of articles where we share valuable info about local events, market trends, and expert advice on homeownership. Stay connected, stay informed, and join us as we explore the heartbeat of our 76226 communities and provide you with the knowledge to navigate the world of real estate seamlessly.

¿Qué es un especialista en reubicación?

Quizás tu trabajo te esté trasladando a una nueva ciudad. O tal vez usted esté planeandomudarse para jubilarse. O tal vez esté en el ejército y esté recibiendo un cambio de estaciónpermanente (PCS). O quizás simplemente quiera ayuda para descubrir dónde vivir en tupróxima aventura.Independientemente del motivo, la reubicación es una decisión importante. Pero en […]
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¿Cómo comprar una casa nueva?

Algunos constructores de viviendas de casas nuevas ofrecen descuentos en mejoras, preciosde venta reducidos y tasas hipotecarias atractivas. ¿Podría ser 2024 el año para comprar unacasa nueva? Comprar una casa nueva puede ser muy emocionante y rapidamente volverse abrumador ¿Estás pensando en comprar una casa nueva en 2024? Paige y yo hemos comprado y vendido6 […]
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Made with Intentionality by Creative Nomads

Paige Miranda

Born and Raised in North Texas I witnessed Dallas, Tarrant, and Denton counties develop right before my eyes. I experienced the growing pains of infrastructure and the thrill of being a part of a flourishing economy. My husband, Edson, and I are serial homebuyers so we’ve lived there and done that. We’ve flipped used homes and bought several new homes, each blessed us with more of God’s wisdom. After living in several homes and communities for over a decade, we’ve planted our roots in Argyle. We’re close enough to commute to Dallas and Fort Worth but far enough to get that Country Living vibe. Come on, give us a shout and we’ll tell you all about it!

Edson Miranda

My wife, Paige, and I are serial homebuyers so we’ve lived there and done that. We’ve flipped used homes and bought several new homes, each blessed us with more of God’s wisdom. After living in several homes and communities for over a decade, we’ve planted our roots in the 76226 zip code. Now, after several years of working and playing in Argyle, Flower Mound, and Lantana we can show you the ropes too! We love being close enough to commute to Dallas and Fort Worth but far enough to get that Country Living vibe. Come on, give us a holler and we’ll tell you all about it!