Jane Ruestmann Elementary in Argyle is under construction and scheduled to be completed in Fall of 2024. This is a blessing Argyle but why isn’t everyone happy about it?
Paige Miranda and I are experiencing so many Life-giving and Spirit-filled conversations surrounding elementary school #4 in Argyle, Texas. Thank you Jesus for a community of teachers, parents, and staff that love our children and do good work. We pray for God’s Heavenly Perspective, clarity, peace, and comfort over their lives. In times of change our minds can wander into fearful or anxious territory.
Our Father in Heaven, would you please free us of any limiting beliefs. Would you give us eyes to see and ears to hear. Would you please bless Argyle Independent School District’s path, choices, and decisions. May we dream big with you this year. May our community, schools, neighborhoods, and your people receive your grace, experience your presence, and release your kingdom. In Jesus name we pray, amen!